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General IDENT-Term

IDENT - Version 00from positionlength
Sender, CodeN11
Sender, trading partner, publisherN28
Receiver, CodeN101
Receiver, trading partner, publisherN118
Ident, record typeN195
Ident, processing codeN241
Ident, code schedulingN252
Ident, price codeN272

Sender/ Receiver

The sender/receiver consists of a code and the number of the trading partner respectively the publisher.

Content of the code
1 Publisher2 Wholesaler trace3 Station book trade4 Foreign wholesaler
5 BB-Filialunternehmen8 miscellaneous participants9 Verteilerliste

Wenn die Daten an mehr als einen Empfänger zugestellt werden sollen, besteht die Möglichkeit, im Datensatz den Verteiler vorzugeben. Dieser muss vorab definiert sein und kann nur beim Empfänger benutzt werden.

Content of the numer  "trading Partner" or "Publisher"
Example for the construction of the sender / receiver:
1code of publisher
0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5publisher's number
1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5sender/receiver publisher
Wholesale trade - domestic
2code of wholesale trade
0 0 1 2 3 4wholesale trade number
0 5wholesale trade branch number
2 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 5sender/receiver wholesale trade - domestic
Station book trade
3code of station book trade
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6station book trade customer number
3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6sender/receiver station book trade
Wholesale trade - abroad
4code of wholesale trade
0 0 1 2 3 4wholesale trade number - beginning with5000
0 6wholesale trade branch number
4 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 6sender/receiver wholesale trade abroad
Miscellaneous participants
8code of miscellaneous participants
0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4miscellaneous customer number
8 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4sender/receiver miscellaneous participants

IDENT for the Data Section

Contents of the record type
The record tyope is numeric with five digits. The first position of the record type is defined as follows:
0xxxx to 8xxxx
- these record types are clearly defined
- fixed, agreed definitions between publishers and trading partners
- for these record types, the absorption of costs - sender/receiver - is defined.
- these record types are only unambiguous together with the sender: i.e. theses record types can be used - bilaterally - simultaneously by several participants with different meanings.
Content of the processing code
The processing code can receive the following contents:
1 - Addition2 - Alteration3 - Deletion
Data that is transmitted only once and those of no change are provided with sign 1.
Contents of the termination code

The following content is possible:

10 - express, these data should be provided immediately by the receiver
20 - data which is processed in the circadian rhythm
Contents of the price code
All record types must include in the IDENT the information about which part
of the costs for these data will be accepted by the sender respectively the
At contents "01" in the array price code, the sender accepts 10% of the costs.
This splitting can be defined into ten %-steps from 00 (the receiver bears
100%) to 10 (the sender bears 100%).
At erroneous contents, the costs are booked to the sender in 100%.


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